Whistleblower Policy
Please read this Whistleblower Policy thoroughly.
This Whistleblower policy was last updated 2.4.2024
The Belgian Whistleblower Act of November 28, 2022 requires companies with at least 50 employees, to implement an internal channel to report any possible wrongdoing and/or fraud. This Act is a transposition of the ‘EU Whistleblower Protection Directive’.
In response to this legislation, miDiagnostics has created a dedicated email address (whistleblower@midiagnostics.com) that can be used to raise concerns on possible wrongdoing and/or fraud.
The breaches in the following fields of law (domains) fall under the scope of the Whistleblower Act:
- Public procurement;
- Financial services, products and markets and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
- Product safety and compliance;
- Transport safety;
- Environmental protection;
- Radiation and nuclear safety;
- Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare;
- Public health;
- Consumer protection;
- Protection of privacy and personal data and security of networks and information systems;
- Tax fraud;
- Social fraud.
When reporting any suspicious activity as described above, please provide as much detail as possible (f.e. full name and function of the people involved, witnesses, description of facts, date and location, etc).
After sending your concern to “whistleblower@midiagnostics.com”, you will be sent a confirmation of receipt within seven days. Based on the provided information, the whistleblowing concern will be investigated. If follow-up contact is needed for further clarification, contact will be sought via the provided email address or phone number. An update of the follow-up of the concern will be shared within 3 months after receipt of your initial email.
Your report will be handled in first line by Marijke Lein (HR) and Tineke Notelaers (Lead Testing Team). Only these people have access to your report.
We take the utmost care to protect the identity of whistleblowers and the confidentiality of such a report, within the limits defined by applicable laws and regulations.